What Documents Are Vital For Estate Planning?

What Documents Are Vital For Estate Planning?

First of all, you should know what estate planning is. There is a notion that estate planning means only drafting a will or a trust, which is completely wrong. It includes much more so that upon your death, your beneficiaries get all the assets fast and seamlessly. Importance of Estate Planning A successful estate planning […]

Estate Planning is for the rich

Estate Planning is for the rich

When people think of Estate Planning, what pops up in their minds is a wealthy family with a lavish home and wealth passed down from generations. A common misbelief that has stopped many people from entering the process, thus putting oneself and their families at risk. Estate Planning plays a vital role in financial planning […]

Can Estate Planning be Done on Your Own?

Can Estate Planning be Done on Your Own?

Estate planning has become very popular amongst citizens recently. People’s interest in making an estate plan for securing their family’s life after their death has increased in recent years. Many times estate planning cost a fortune if done through an attorney. So, people hire an attorney with the idea that estate planning is difficult. They […]

Significance of Estate Planning In The Life of Every US Citizen

Significance of Estate Planning In The Life of Every US Citizen

Estate planning used to be imagined as a luxury-expense only the rich can afford. That thought process has changed now, evident by the number of middle-class families who have started estate planning. Estate planning includes the designation of heirs to a decedent’s assets, whether it is a house or a stock portfolio. If left up […]